To all the teachers who managed to submit their 2024-2025 grant applications by the May 31st deadline! Your dedication, determination, and effort is commendable. Applications are still under review. Our list of grantees will be announced soon, so stay tuned to find out what exciting teacher initiatives will be implemented next year!
The BRAVO Education Foundation grew out of the seeds of friendship between Barbara BRAdley and Maureen CalVO. Barbara is a retired Speech and Language Therapist (35 years) and Maureen a retired Special Educator (38 years). Their friendship spans over 40 years and their shared experiences as educators has been one of many binding threads that fortify their relationship. During the summer of 2023, while facing her ongoing battle with cancer, Barbara felt it in her heart to share a small piece of her life’s savings with Maureen “to use however she wanted” as an expression of love and gratitude for their friendship. Maureen wholeheartedly believed Barbara’s unexpected monetary gift was the sign she had been praying for.
You see, at the same time, Maureen was feeling a strong tug at her heart to make a significant, meaningful, long-term contribution to her community that might have a positive impact on its schools. More specifically, her vision was to create a non-profit foundation dedicated to providing grants to teachers who wanted to initiate innovative and enhanced learning opportunities for their students, but lacked school-based funding to do so. However, when faced with the costs associated with making this dream a reality, Maureen felt a bit overwhelmed and prayed for a “sign” that might battle her discouragement and renew her conviction to pursue this mission. Barbara's monetary gift not only provided Maureen the seed money to make her dream a reality, but also provided a means to honor her dear friend's generous, loving, and selfless gift.
Initially rooted from the seeds of friendship, BRAVO Education Foundation was incorporated in September of 2023 and successfully launched it's first campaign in May of 2024 and was able to award $11,900 to teachers throughout the Clarendon district. Bravo enthusiastically and actively seeks to engage community members in building positive, collaborative partnership that help pave the way to accomplishing its mission and goals.

"Seeds of friendship,
Planted throughout
One's lifetime,
Grow into the most
Beautiful gardens."
Erica K. Haugli

Barbara's loving kindness and quiet generosity provided the seeds from which BRAVO has grown and will live on as part of her legacy.​
To make a memorial contribution:
MAIL CHECK or money order made payable to
Bravo Ed Foundation of CCSC , 2635 Patriot Rd., Manning, SC 29102. Write B. Bradley Memorial Contribution on memo line, OR give ONLINE by clicking
In Loving Memory
Barbara Bradley
July 16, 1959 - July 26, 2024
To view Barbara's Memorial Tribute click the link: