NOTE: These teacher grants are to be used as a supplement to – not a replacement of - standard budgetary allowances provided to teachers for everyday supplies and materials. If there is something you need for your classroom that you believe will enhance your ability to meet students’ educational needs, but the school budget will not cover it, grant monies may be used to alleviate the need to pay out-of-pocket for expenses related to implementation of instructional initiatives as described in grant applications.
2024-2025 Teacher Grant Application Guidelines​
1. Applicants must be employed by a public or private school in Clarendon County.
2. If applying for a project/initiative involving more than one person, a single designee should complete the application and make note in their description of the project how many other teachers will be involved.
3. Grants are awarded based on the availability of funds each year. Bravo reserves the right to approve selected portions of each proposal/project if for any reason the grant proposal cannot be honored in full.
4. When reviewing grant applications, the selection committee gives strong consideration to the number of students the project will benefit, the extent to which it fulfills the mission of BRAVO, and the quality of content therein.
5. Funds will be issued by check in one lump sum in alignment with district and/or school policy. Each recipient awarded will be able to access their funds based on established policy.
6. Funds must be spent within the school year that the grant is awarded. Any funds that are not used specifically used for the purpose as described in the original application by the end of the year must be returned to the foundation. Exceptions to this will be considered if there is another teacher who has a plan to utilize these funds before March 15th, and is willing to submit a new application for review and approval by the Board of Directors.
7. By providing the name and email of your Building Principal/Director on the application form, it is BRAVO's understanding that he/she is aware of, and has preapproved, the grant application. If the project/initiative requires the purchase of any software/hardware, preapproval from the district/school technology supervisor must also be obtained, and by providing said person's name and email on the application form, BRAVO assumes he/she approves.
8. All grant materials purchased with BRAVO grant funds are property of the district/school where applicant works and must stay with the level of students targeted in the original intent of the grant.
Thanks for applying! We'll get back to you soon.